Law Office of Michael Meyer

Provisional Patent Attorney

Draft Your Provisional Patent Application with a Skilled Patent Attorney


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At Michael Meyer Law, our experienced patent attorneys specialize in drafting provisional patent applications that provide robust legal protection. 

We offer meticulous attention to detail and strategic foresight to ensure your intellectual property is safeguarded. Partner with us to navigate the complexities of patent law with confidence and secure your innovations effectively.

Understand the Filing Requirements for Your Provisional Patent Application

At Michael Meyer Law, we comprehend the intricate details involved in filing a provisional application. Understanding the nuances of filing helps ensure that your provisional application meets all legal standards. Proper filing can offer you the benefits of an earlier filing date, which can be critical in highly competitive fields of innovation. Filing a provisional application provides a 12-month period to further develop your invention while preserving the initial filing date. Michael will meticulously guide you through the filing process, making sure that your provisional application is filed correctly.

Understanding the specific filing requirements for a provisional application is paramount. For instance, the filing must include a detailed description of the invention, drawing figures if necessary, and any other information that supports the invention. Proper filing also demands paying the correct filing fees as determined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Michael will help you compile all necessary documents and ensure your application meets all filing criteria. A critical step in the filing process is also making sure that the provisional application is complete, as incomplete filings can jeopardize the protection of your intellectual property.

The proper filing of a provisional application acts as the foundation of securing a patent pending status. Missed crucial details during the filing can later complicate the prosecution strategy. At Michael Meyer Law, our goal is to facilitate a smooth and compliant filing journey. Let us assist you in achieving a successful filing of your provisional applications so that your innovative ideas are safeguarded from the outset.


At Michael Meyer Law, we specialize in drafting provisional patent applications that offer robust legal protection for your inventions. Our experienced patent attorneys provide meticulous attention to detail and strategic foresight to ensure that your intellectual property is safeguarded. We guide you through the complexities of patent law, ensuring that your applications meet all legal standards and requirements.

Filing a provisional patent application provides numerous benefits, including securing an earlier filing date, which is crucial in competitive fields of innovation. It also grants a 12-month period to further develop your invention while preserving the initial filing date. Additionally, a provisional application acts as a foundation for securing patent pending status, thereby safeguarding your innovative ideas from the outset.

The filing of a provisional patent application must include a detailed description of the invention, drawings if necessary, and any supporting information. Proper filing also requires paying the correct fees as determined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It is essential to ensure that the application is complete, as incomplete filings can jeopardize the protection of your intellectual property.

Our patent attorneys at Michael Meyer Law provide a comprehensive cost estimate to ensure efficient resource planning. This estimate includes attorney fees, filing fees, and any additional expenses associated with preparing your application. We tailor the estimate to reflect the specific requirements of your invention, helping you identify potential financial commitments early in the process and achieve a cost-efficient filing strategy.

Conducting a thorough prior art search is critical to ensure the originality of your invention. It involves investigating existing patents, patent applications, and other publicly available information to determine whether your invention is novel. Skipping this step can lead to your provisional patent application being challenged or invalidated. At Michael Meyer Law, we utilize comprehensive patent search tools and resources to perform exhaustive prior art searches, ensuring that your inventive idea remains protected and viable.

Get an End-To-End Cost Estimate for Your Provisional Application

At Michael Meyer Law, Michael Meyer is dedicated to guiding you through the complexities of drafting your provisional application. An accurate cost estimate is essential for planning resources efficiently and ensuring that your provisional application is well-prepared for filing and eventual conversion to a non-provisional patent.

Understanding the costs involved in filing a provisional application can alleviate uncertainties and allow you to focus on the innovative aspects of your invention. Michael provides a comprehensive cost breakdown that includes attorney fees, filing fees, and any additional expenses associated with preparing your application. We understand that each provisional application is unique, and our approach tailors the estimate to reflect the specific requirements of your invention.

By consulting with Michael Meyer Law, you’ll receive a detailed cost estimate that helps you identify potential financial commitments early in the process. This not only aids in budget planning but also ensures that there are no surprises during the filing of your provisional application. Additionally, Michael will advise you on how to achieve the most cost-efficient filing strategy without compromising the thoroughness and quality of your provisional application.

The cost estimate provided by Michael incorporates all relevant factors, from initial consultations and drafting to preparing detailed technical descriptions. By engaging our patent attorney, you can rest assured that every aspect of your provisional application is meticulously accounted for, and the legal intricacies are expertly navigated. Trust Michael Meyer Law to provide an end-to-end cost estimate that sets you on the right path to securing your intellectual property. By partnering with a skilled patent lawyer, your provisional applications are in capable hands.

We are here to help you.  Please contact Michael Meyer Law and start protecting your invention today.

Ready to get your design patent started?

Embark on your journey to protect your unique invention and secure your rights.

Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards securing your intellectual property. 

Call us at 402-321-7532 or fill out our online form to get started!

Learn Your Patent Attorney’s Prosecution Strategy

When you’re seeking to draft your provisional patent application, understanding your patent attorney’s prosecution strategy is crucial. At Michael Meyer Law, we emphasize the importance of fully grasping the strategy employed by our experienced patent attorney to secure the broadest possible protection for your invention. A well-structured prosecution strategy can enhance the chances of your patent application moving smoothly through the examination process, potentially resulting in a robust utility patent. Michael is adept at navigating the complexities of patent law, and he approaches each case with a tailored strategy that aligns with your invention’s unique characteristics.

Your dedicated patent attorney will provide comprehensive guidance through each step, ensuring that your provisional patent application meets all the regular filing requirements and adheres to the necessary policy standards. With Michael’s expert knowledge, you’ll receive detailed explanations of the prosecution strategy, including how it pertains to your utility patent application. This strategic approach not only sets the groundwork for your provisional patent but also lays the foundation for future patent applications and protection against potential patent litigation.

By collaborating with Michael Meyer Law, you benefit from Michael’s extensive experience and strategic foresight. He will guide you through the entire process, offering insights into the most effective prosecution strategies. From the initial drafting phase to the final submission of your provisional patent application, Michael will ensure that every aspect complies with the rigorous standards of patent law, thereby solidifying your patent pending status. Trust our law firm for unparalleled expertise and a strategy designed to protect your innovative ideas comprehensively.

Working directly with you to simplify your design patent application process from start to finish.

We help you explored all viable IP protection options, no mater how simple or complex.

We provide you with a strategy that provides the most comprehensive protection for your IP.

Perform a Prior Art Search Before Filing

Before filing your provisional patent, it is critical to conduct a thorough prior art search to ensure the originality of your invention. A prior art search involves investigating existing patents, patent applications, and other publicly available information to determine whether your invention is novel. At Michael Meyer Law, we utilize comprehensive patent search tools and resources to perform an exhaustive prior art search. By identifying prior art, we can ascertain if any aspect of your invention has already been disclosed, thus saving time and resources in the filing process.

Skipping this essential step can lead to your provisional patent application being challenged or even invalidated later. Therefore, undertaking a detailed prior art search is crucial for protecting your inventive idea. Michael will guide you through the entire process, ensuring that your search is thorough and well-documented. We review regular patent databases, international records, and specialized resources to provide the most accurate assessment of your invention’s uniqueness.

Prior art searches are not just about compliance; they also offer strategic insights into how to position your invention in the market. Understanding existing patents and other relevant prior art can help you refine your invention, making your eventual patent application stronger. We ensure that no stone is left unturned in the search for prior art, providing you with peace of mind before filing your provisional patent application. Let Michael Meyer Law use its resources and expertise to perform the prior art search that will solidify your invention’s viability and pave the way for successful patent applications in the future.

Draft Your Provisional Patent Application with an Attorney

Drafting a provisional patent application with an experienced patent attorney can provide critical strategic advantages in securing your intellectual property rights. At Michael Meyer Law, Michael is dedicated to guiding you through every step of the provisional patent filing process. A provisional patent application serves as a vital tool in establishing an early filing date for your invention, and Michael is adept at navigating the complexities involved in drafting provisional applications.

We understand that the intricacies of filing provisional applications can be daunting, but with Michael’s expert guidance, you can rest assured that your provisional application will be drafted with precision. When you choose Michael Meyer Law for your provisional patent needs, you’ll benefit from his thorough understanding of patent law and his dedication to protecting your innovative ideas. Michael will ensure that your provisional patent application meets all necessary requirements, providing you with a comprehensive plan to move forward. We also focus on the importance of adequate prior art search before filing, ensuring that your provisional application stands on strong legal ground.

By working with a knowledgeable attorney, you can significantly enhance the potential for your provisional patent to transition to a regular patent application. Michael is well-versed in both trademarks and patent law, ensuring that your application not only adheres to legal standards but also maximizes your protection against potential infringement. Let Michael Meyer Law be your trusted advisor for all your provisional patent filing needs.

Ensure Your Provisional Patent Guarantees Patent Pending Status

At Michael Meyer Law, we understand that securing a provisional patent is crucial for establishing your invention’s patent-pending status. The provisional patent application is an invaluable tool that provides you with both time and opportunity to further develop your invention while safeguarding your idea from competitors. A carefully drafted provisional patent application ensures that your filing date is accurately recorded, giving you priority over subsequent filing attempts by others. By leveraging the expertise of Michael Meyer Law, your provisional patent is more likely to comply with all legal requirements, thereby preventing any potential discrepancies that could arise from improperly filed provisional applications.

When you choose Michael Meyer Law for your provisional patent needs, you’re not just filing a provisional patent application; you’re ensuring that your patent application lays a solid foundation for future patent applications. Moreover, by securing a well-drafted provisional, you position yourself to make strategic decisions about your patent’s prosecution. With precise attention to filing dates and the essentials required in a provisional, our resources ensure that your innovation receives the protection it deserves. Each provisional patent application filed through our firm is meticulously reviewed to align with your unique objectives and the stringent criteria of patent law.

Don’t let your innovative ideas fall short of obtaining patent pending status. Trust Michael Meyer Law to provide comprehensive guidance and drafting expertise, ensuring your provisional patent application is filed accurately and effectively.

Explore Key Sections of Patent Law for Provisional Patents

At Michael Meyer Law, we understand that navigating patent law, particularly in drafting provisional patents, can be a complex process. A key component of your successful patent filing is understanding the sections of patent law relevant to provisional applications.

Provisional patents offer the advantage of securing a filing date for your invention without immediately diving into the exhaustive requirements of a non-provisional patent. Michael will provide comprehensive guidance on the sections of the patent statute and regulations that pertain to provisionals. Key elements of patent law to consider include the information required in a provisional application, such as a detailed description of your invention and how it works.

Additionally, it’s crucial to know the benefits of filing provisionals, including how they safeguard your patent pending status. Knowing the applicable patent laws and the time constraints involved in filing a provisional patent application ensures you stay compliant with the statutory requirements. Michael can offer invaluable resources and information, helping you navigate the complexities of patent laws efficiently. Understanding copyright policy, applicable statutes, and regulations is also essential in protecting your intellectual property. At Michael Meyer Law, we aim to equip you with all the necessary information to ensure your provisional patents are as robust as possible. By exploring key sections of patent law with a seasoned patent attorney, you can maximize the benefits of your provisional patent filing while avoiding common pitfalls. Reach out to us for expert guidance and to secure the necessary policy information to support your innovative idea.

Explore Key Sections of Patent Law for Provisional Patents

At Michael Meyer Law, we understand the importance of safeguarding your innovative idea from potential patent litigation. An invention, no matter how groundbreaking, requires a carefully drafted patent application to ensure it is well-protected under patent law. Michael will help you navigate the complexities involved in filing your provisional patent application. By thoroughly understanding the filing requirements and identifying any potential issues through a prior art search, Michael ensures your invention stands the best chance of being protected.

By filing a provisional patent application with Michael Meyer Law, your invention is guaranteed patent pending status, which provides crucial protection while you develop your idea further. Michael’s prosecution strategy is designed to protect your invention and secure a filing date to establish your idea’s originality. This date can be pivotal in patent cases as it determines the rights to your invention.

We are here to help you.  Please contact Michael Meyer Law and start protecting your invention today.